
Client:Australian Graduate School of Management
Location:1 O'Connell Street, Sydney
Value:$2.7 million
Completion Date:March 2002
Project Overview:
The project comprised the fitout of one whole floor and one part floor as AGSM's central CBD campus. As this facility is intended to become part of Australia's premier business college, high standards of design and finish were paramount. The facilities include two tiered lecture theatres, four single-level lecture theatres, a large open plan reception, 'touch-down' cafeteria and beakout space, seminar rooms and support facilities. Final design included a very high quality interconnecting steel staircase with heat-soaked toughened glass balustrades and stainless steel balustrades and fittings. The bulkhead around the staircase void was finished in coloured ozone glass, similar to the wall finish in the lift lobby and cafeteria. A two-storey high imported stainless steel mesh screen was installed in the stairwell, between the level 6 ceiling bulkhead and the staircase stinger. The tiered lecture theatres were finished in timber acoustic panels installed on the rake.

In spite of the additional complexity and the use of materials with considerable lead times, the construction period of seven weeks could not be extended due to pre-arranged course commencement dates. Notwithstanding the numerous complications and a large number of ongoing design refinements during construction, the project was delivered within budget, and the facility was able to commence operation as planned.

Client:University of New South Wales
Value:$16.5 million
Completion Date:June 2000
Project Overview:
The project involved the progressive refurbishment and fitout of various buildings and parts of buildings for Faculties and Administration Departments, including Medicine, Applied Sciences, Financial Services and Human Resources, the complete refurbishment of an existing cafe into a contemporary Internet cafe, laboratories and lecture theatres, and installation of fume cupboards.

Since all work was carried out within fully operational environments, successful execution of the works was highly dependent upon close day-to-day liaison with user groups and other stakeholders to ensure that the works did not impact upon amenity operations.

"I would like to thank you, your company staff and key subcontractors for the long hours that have been put in and to compliment them for the problems they have been able to overcome. Along with my colleagues in Capital Development, we acknowledge dependent we are on high performing teams like yours and I am also gratified by the way Capital Development staff have worked in with your team."
Mr Graham Parry, The University of New South Wales